Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sophie's Dedication

We started our second week of advent out right with dedicating Sophie at church.  We have really been enjoying the advent season...really love the daily yummy delicious chocolate, but have also enjoyed the daily "activity" on our advent calendar from church.  It was really fun that I got to learn that I was standing up with Sophie at church committing that I want to help teach about Jesus' love for her and show her how much fun it is to go to church as a family and grow with community in our faith.  We also had fun at the Children's Museum at Jolly Days.

Ellie, Maddie, & Sophie

Monday, November 18, 2013

Ladybug Girlies

I absolutely love to read The Ladybug Girl books and so do my sisters!  I have an imagination like her  :  )  That is what we decided to dress-up like for our neighborhood trick-or-treating on November 1st!  We were beautiful ballerinas for Malloween on Halloween!  We love to play dress-up all the time so we love any excuse to be dressed-up  :  )
I love being 4 and Maddie is going to be 2 so soon...while Sophie is 4 months tomorrow!  I am really good at writing my name and am working on my alphabet and counting.  I ask such great questions right now...even asking really good questions about God!  My parents are really enjoying their growth by thinking through the great questions I am asking!  In October Maddie was very interested in potty training...she is still working on, but not as interested in it this month.  She has her 4 new teeth and does everything I do.  We have so much fun playing kitchen and taking care of our babies.  We especially love helping Mommy with Sophie.  Sophie is so well taken care of.  On November 11th Sophie rolled from her tummy to her back, but has not done it again since.  She is getting so strong and enjoys tummy time for a long time.  She loves to smile and has a very cutie high pitched talk.  Daddy loves how much all we girlies have to say  ;  )


Monday, October 14, 2013

4 Year Old Barbie Party

What fun I had celebrating turning 4 with a Barbie Party!  I have been enjoying story time at the library (a Barbie display right now at the library), the Zoo (we had never been greeted by animals before and then we dressed-up like Princesses for Zoo Boo - Aurora, Ariel, & Belle), we have had apple orchard fun, and the new Playscape at the Children's Museum is awesome!  Maddie's four new teeth are continuing to come in and she is potty training...ever since the 1st of the month she has been going on the potty each day  :  )  Sophie is awake more to take in all our fun...she loves her toys and to smile and talk to you while really moving her arms and legs lots (making diaper changes tricky)!  I am such a busy Big Sister as Maddie does EVERYTHING I do and Sophie will be very soon!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Almost 4!

SO excited to turn 4 on Sunday  :  )  I have chosen to have a Barbie cake to celebrate!  Maddie is busy going from 12 to 16 teeth - OUCH!  Sophie was a trooper getting her 2 month shots - OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!!!  We are enjoying Fall Fun!