Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is this thing in my mouth?!?!?!?

Okay... My parents put this crazy thing in my mouth. Check out the video to see what happens:

P.S. I fell asleep immediately after this video. It was like magic.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun Weekend

I had a super fun weekend! On Friday I hung out with mom and dad and played all night long! Then on Saturday Mimi and Poppy brought all the little Hayes girls over and we hung out and I slept all day long. Then Saturday night I went out on an adventure with mom and dad but I pretty much slept through the whole thing. That meant I had tons of energy to stay up and party with mom and dad Saturday night! This morning we went to church. I decided to make little mouse noises for the end of the service to embarrass my parents, I was quite amused with myself. Then after that Mimi and Poppy spoiled me all day. We cuddled and slept and went on a walk and we even went on an adventure to TJ Maxx and Kohl's! I didn't get to go inside but I did get to hang out with Poppy in the car!

Also, I think I have a new trick. I'm getting better at smiling. I really show it with my eyes but sometimes get confused with my mouth. Hopefully I'll have it mastered soon so that I can smile all the time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A few pictures to tease everyone...

Look at me in my sling! I love being cuddled up!

Good thing I like pink and green because we all know my mom is nuts for it!

I am one good looking baby!

Hello World!

Hello everyone. Since my parents decided I wasn't allowed to have a facebook account (so controlling already!), I've decided to create a blog to update everyone on my life and make sure everyone stays up to date on everything ME!

Here's a quick recap for anyone who needs a reminder or has to be brought up to speed:

I was born at 8:48AM on September 29, 2009. I was 7 lbs 9oz and 21 3/4" long.

Ever since that Tuesday morning I've been a great baby. There are three things I'm really good at: eating, sleeping, and convincing my parents to change my diaper. Up until a few days ago I really didn't have any good tricks beside those. Recently though I've become much better at focusing on toys or people's faces. Plus I'm staying awake during the day so that I can help my parents sleep a little. Yesterday I was awake for so much of the day and into the night that I think my parents were worried I'd stolen some of their caffeine! The other thing I'm getting better at every day is weightlifting with my head. I am super strong, and my favorite trick is lifting up my head for several minutes and then face-planting in my dad's shoulder.

I'm going to do my best to update this blog as often as possible but I'm sure you all understand that being as old as I am now (can you believe I'm 3 weeks already?) I have a very busy schedule and it can be difficult to get on here and update this.

For those who don't know already or haven't seen the latest pictures I do have some good-looking pictures of me and my family on flicker. Here is the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43136354@N06/

I'll try and let you know on here if I post new pictures.

I'm so excited to meet everyone that I haven't met yet! I hope you all enjoy the pictures and updates on how much I'm learning.
